Looking for self-development support? Here are a few tips to help you decide what is right for you.

Maja Seggerman
9 min readJun 2, 2021


My story of self-development…

My story actually begins before I started work and it shows my passion, values and drive. Growing up in different cultures and moving quite frequently made me appreciate change and accept the diversity of culture that enriches us.

At school I was the captain of the hockey team, later on a hockey coach, training youngsters as well as being a referee. This is the beginning of my story how to integrate people, foster and support them in their development and growth.

Meanwhile, I have over 20 years’ experience as an advertising professional across automotive, technology and innovation focused brands. I have worked with and for talented people, run departments, formed and led client teams in the UK, Europe and globally. I built long-term client relationships while collaborating with creative and strategic teams to deliver innovative ways of working.

Throughout my career from creative agencies to integrated, digital and technology production delivery I mentored individuals and teams. It is essential that individuals find their voice and full potential in a team to succeed in working efficiently and therefore achieving the best delivery outcome.

I always enjoyed a changing environment and needed ongoing stimulation. Therefore, the most logical next step for me was to start my own business and to become a coach and business consultant.

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Maya Angelou

Before starting my own coaching training, I received coaching sessions through work, which I embraced with open arms. How often do you have a chance like this! Through my own coaching, I learned so much about myself, my strengths and abilities and how to handle thoughts and emotions in difficult situations. This made me more confident.

Personally, I never had counselling, however I know quite a few people that have taking this journey and I’ve seen how much this approach has helped them. However, you need to ensure that whatever path you choose for yourself is the right one. This is similar to learning a new language and you need to find the right teacher, so you excel.

Deciding to look after yourself through self-development and self-care is the hardest step. We all have different ways and time frames on how we are making decisions. There is no right or wrong path. What works for me might not work for you. Once you are ready, my advice would be to talk to people and do some research before you decide on your own journey.

I would like to explain the basic differences between mentoring, coaching, counselling and business consultancy, as for many they are not very clear.

What is Mentoring?

Often it becomes evident that those seeking support for self-development or self-care do not realise that there are different approaches.

The most familiar one is mentoring which ideally happens at work. This guidance is based on experience which enables you to see the bigger picture and make informed decisions.

Most of the time the mentor is working in the same sector to give career support with additional moral and mental help for the mentee. Depending on relationships this could mean that you meet up every two weeks, once a month or every quarter. You can discuss your current job, roadblocks, or issues and strategize together so the mentee can make a more informed decision. I think it is important to introduce the mentee to people within my network to give them a helping hand. However, after the introduction it is up to them what they make of it.

Meanwhile it has become popular for people making a conscious choice to choose a mentor of their liking. This relationship might last for many years and is a commitment and support in the growth of the mentee.

It is advisable to be prepared. All mentees should do some homework before embarking on this journey and define their goals. Based on this, the mentor makes suggestions which framework, structure or topic outline could be beneficial. The mentees need to communicate ahead of time which topic or agenda they would like to cover and discuss.

This relationship is not only beneficial for the mentee but rewarding for the mentor at the same time. It is multifaceted, sharing knowledge and experience, as well as learning what is important for the younger generations.

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” John C. Crosby

How do you go about it? You can approach people directly or choose mentoring programs that help you find a mentor. Some mentorship programs are free of charge some not. Be sure that you research who and what is right for you.

Below are a few question starters to get to know each other

Question for your Mentor

  1. What was your first job?
  2. What do you love & hate about our industry?
  3. What was your biggest learning?
  4. What would you still like to learn?
  5. How do you achieve happiness?

Question for your Mentee

  1. What superhero do you admire the most?
  2. What is your personal superpower?
  3. How do you define success?
  4. What have your struggles been so far?
  5. What career goal do you have (role, title, income)?

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a different path from mentoring; Coaching is a questioning approach and mentoring is a sharing experience approach. Both are helping people progress in their personal development and careers, identifying their core values and passions. The biggest difference is the coach does not give you the answers.

“A coach has some great questions for your answers. A mentor has some great answers for your questions.” Unknown

A coach asks powerful questions, listens, and brings out the skills and creativity of their client. Everybody is able to find their own answers to challenges they face, rather than to receive instructions or advice. The coach creates a safe, open and non-judgemental environment for the sessions. They take on a guiding and supporting function for the coachee.

The overall journey and sessions vary depending on the individual; however, they contain the following:

  • Active listening
  • Powerful questions
  • Being in the moment
  • Exploration
  • Actions and inquiries
  • Accountability

Powerful questions are used to provoke thoughts that lead a coachee to find their own answers and actions.

Here are a few examples of powerful questions:

  1. What do you want to explore?
  2. What is challenging for you/
  3. What are you trying to achieve?
  4. What is your desired outcome?
  5. What action will you take?

There are different coaching models and methods, so you might want to investigate before you decide. However, it is important that you connect with your coach in a safe environment in order for you to open up.

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” Timothy Gallwey

I decided to train with the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) which was founded in 1992 and has invented coaching as an industry. It is the world’s largest coach training and leadership development organisation. Co-Active Coaching sees the person as a whole (personal and professional development) and is unlike other kinds of coaching.

What is Counselling?

Today we are faced with many challenges in life, such as loss of a job, divorce, isolation and a need to overcome past trauma and behavioural patterns. Some people simply need support to live life again.

Overall, counsellors are trained in helping others to work through their problems. They help people to determine the root of the cause, e.g., behavioural issues, patterns or addictions and focus on overcoming and healing them. They can guide and direct people through a variety of situations and help them explore their limiting beliefs and past trauma that are impacting their present-day situations. Counsellors can help their clients develop the skills to cope with the inevitable ups and downs of life.

“If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.“ George Bernard Shaw

In order to cope with problems, we develop coping mechanisms learned throughout our lifetime. Coping mechanisms that once served us, perhaps in childhood, when we were more vulnerable and less capable, can develop into unhealthy ways of dealing with uncomfortable emotions and situations and do not serve us and our lives anymore. As adults, we can learn to develop healthier and more authentic responses to stress factors through understanding our own ingrained learned behaviours. Revisiting your past issues or traumas with the support of a counsellor in a safe environment can let you review and re-valuate past situations. Talking about problems for the first time out loud is an emotional release. Taking charge of one’s emotions, can transform the severity and heaviness and become more bearable.

To choose counselling is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it is one of the best gifts you can give yourself; to understand yourself better and live a more fulfilled life. There are counsellors for anything and everything in life imaginable. Choosing a counsellor is a huge step and will go far in helping a person to enjoy their life again. Therefore, look into the methods they work with and make sure it is the right fit for you and your current situation.

Hopefully you understand a bit better now what counselling means and the nature of the relationship. For more information on the various types of counselling or to find a counsellor, visit the European Association for Psychotherapy www.europsyche.org or British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy www.bacp.co.uk.

What is Business Consultancy?

It seems that people often confuse coaching and business consultancy, which can be misleading… Business consultants are involved in the planning, implementation and advising. They work directly with CEOs and their team on developing a business plan, identifying marketing needs and necessary skills for business ownership. Business consultants can increase revenue, save client’s time, and maintain or improve resource efficiencies.

There are several reasons for hiring a business consultant. A consultant offers a wide range of services, including the following:

  • Reviewing the business
  • Providing objectivity
  • Providing strategic expertise
  • Developing a long-term business plan
  • Identifying marketing & sales needs
  • Identifying issues and roadblocks
  • Preparing for growth
  • Initiating change
  • Supporting and training staff

“In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” Warren Buffett

Business consultants have a strong background in management. They are experienced in many departments that guarantee a successful business, including finance, sales, operations, and marketing. They can work in different industries — the necessary skills vary. In the advertising industry they will have a strong background in marketing, budgeting and new business. A consultant working in the restaurant industry will have an experienced background in hospitality, cost, labour and restaurant marketing.

Here is an overview of the areas the business consultant should cover:

1. Problem-solving
Many CEOs call on business consultants for support to review challenges objectively and help develop new strategies. Consultants use strong problem-solving abilities to identify the source of the problem and come up with a unique solution.

2. Analytical evaluation
Consultants analyse every aspect of the business. They must also have a strong analytical skill for budgeting and planning.

3. Consulting
Consultants work directly with start-ups or CEOs to train and educate the team in best business practices, which is a different approach to traditional management. They will also provide directions to ensure the organisation achieves its short-, mid- and long-term goals.

4. Leadership
Business consultants need to be good leaders guiding the business toward success. They must also earn trust and loyalty of other team members throughout the organisation.

5. Teamwork
Consultants work in different team settings. They may work with owners, executive leaders, department managers and staff. Strong teamwork skills are important to coordinate work among these different roles to achieve the common goal. This requires strong verbal and nonverbal communication abilities.

6. Creativity
Business consultants are expected to offer a fresh and objective perspective on already existing business plans. A sense of creative thinking is useful when working with a start-up or overcoming a business challenge.

If you are ready to scratch the surface of your self-development let me know! Drop me a line now or later. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Until then, take care.



Maja Seggerman
Maja Seggerman

Written by Maja Seggerman


Business Consultant, Coach & Mentor with 20 years’ experience as an advertising professional. More under https://linktr.ee/majaseggerman

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